By promoting "Mental Health First Aid", more Hong Kong citizens can become aware of mental illnesses and learn how to provide initial support to those in need. To ensure that people from different backgrounds have access to this knowledge, MHAHK regularly organizes related courses and talks in various communities. Since this service does not receive government funding, the courses operate on a self-sustaining basis. The "Standard Mental Health First Aid" course, which typically lasts 12 hours, incurs an operational cost of HK$800 per participant.
With a donation of HK$800, you can sponsor a friend in need, who may be facing financial constraints, to learn about "Mental Health First Aid." This contribution will greatly assist them in developing the skills to navigate emotional crises for themselves and those around them. It is a meaningful act of kindness that can make a real difference.

A donation of HK$800 can sponsor one person to participate in the "Mental Health First Aid" course.

A donation of HK$15,000-18,000 can sponsor MHAHK to conduct a course for a beneficiary group with a class size of 20-30 people in an exclusive arrangement.

Other donation amounts are at your discretion, and we greatly appreciate it!
- Mail or personally deliver the crossed cheque to the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (4/F, Sai Tso Wan Neighbourhood Community Centre, 81 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)
- The cheque should be made payable to "The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong".
- Please write the donor's name and contact phone number on the back of the cheque. For single donations exceeding HK$100, a receipt will be issued for tax exemption purposes upon request.
- MHAHK strictly complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and handles all related information with utmost care and confidentiality.